Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hello, Sanrio Brand

Hello hello !! My Sanrio :)) finally I spend my money. .. I'm kidding ;p I have just to tell you about sanrio brand and today I got this one already ^__^

Why I choose sanrio brand ? Let's told you some story when I'm young, maybe I'm 6 years old I always saw friend in the school use the sanrio brand because they parent buy it for them,so, I like the other child is "Baba I want it ,Mama can I have it as friend"  that's not good behavior when I'm young. >_<

But, when I grown up I had known more about sanrio brand cause why parent buy sanrio for a daughter. Sanrio brand have cartoon picture are cute all collection and cleaning eye for a child. 

So, that important if you have plan to give a gift for child, you have should to check about it before, because a child their sensitive about picture, color, or sound. Then hope you enjoy sanrio brand as same as me and I thing the sanrio brand is one I want to suggest you to buy for a gift to your love :")

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