Saturday, November 17, 2012

5 Tip to getting the PR job

PR (Public Relation) is the similar relation between organize relation, analyze relation, and investor relation that our relation has to working together.

In fact, the people find the PR job and like to get this job, because they want to practice relation individual in their company or their business in the future. So, how they know about basic to learn and study to get to the PR job ?

However, Andrew Hindes said, have 5 tip to getting the PR job. The first Spelling counts mean, do grammar, punctuation to spell clearly.

Seconds, Know your formats mean, spend time to read more and learn about foundation of relation in each company and government.

Third, Practice writing fast mean, when you have time to writing or note something must do writing fast, record the word and material is correct.

Fourth, Be prepared to get graphic mean, you should to prepare to design graphic in the word and revising in the wrong word also.

Fifth, Strut your stuff mean, must right a grammar, and spelling is its important.

So, if you getting this job, remember it you shouldn't stop to practice and have to continues study more about writing, spelling, listening, and reading.

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