Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Negative Publicity : Wal-Mart Strategies ?

Good afternoon everyone ! for today I will let you know about "Negative Publicity Strategies" In this topic they are talked negative publicity are can good strategy for a company, while when has been heard for about negative, can't be a good strategy for company.

But have a one company they choosing negative publicity strategies for them so, Wal-mart usual has spend time with negative publicity because they have to trust when in a company have a problem or a situation risk to crisis can management by negative publicity.

However, Wal-mart have a negative publicity by negative headlines out of the news cause they want to appeal the employee active for about they trade and sale. So, Wal-mart that's not only company have like a this negative publicity strategy but have also; Nike, Chiquita, and Krispy Kreme.

Whatever, the Wal-mart they just appeal to be getting stronger or more effective from they employee, and negative are helping or changing with deal crisis management also for good strategy better other companies.

1 comment:

  1. THANKS for discussing your CASE 1-5 keep up the good work
